Hello Loves!
You all know that I recently made the switch from the ‘fashion’ community to the travel. Sameer and I made the decision that we were going to invest more of our time and money into exploring the world. What you don’t know is just how important the travel community is to me, on my darkest days I have found happiness just by scrolling through my Instagram. Their feeds and encouragement (literally I have received so many amazing messages from some of the most incredible people) have given me so much hope. Their images are what keep me inspired to continue to create work that I love.
I am consistently stumbling across travel IG pages that leave me breathless and have shared most of my favs via my instastories (I will continue to share via Instastories as I find new pages on the daily). But I wanted to take a quick moment to give some recognition to some of the pages that have had the biggest impact on my life.
Mel (@mvandersluis)
I met Mel at the start of my travel blogging career while in Cuba. This was probably the best thing to happen to me, she was and is a big support to me. She encourages me to push myself and has taught me so much. Her page is outstanding and continues to grow with love and support from her readers. She also sells her presets which funny thing, I actually had purchased before meeting her… They helped shape my page into what it is now. You can purchase Mel’s presets HERE.
Jen (@jenkvieira)
I recently stumbled across Jen’s page and was blown away by the pure zest for life that she portrays. We have been able to chat a little bit since I slid into her DM’s (haha) and she is just as cute as she is in her pics. She is one to watch.
Tracy (@tracy_komlos)
This girl is all kinds of badass. Not only is she founder of Pangea Dreams which is legitimately genius (read more about it here), she is also the sweetest person. I recently got to hangout with her over lunch where we chatted about anything and everything. I left our meet feeling inspired and just happy… she really is a rare soul.
Merel (@andathousdandwords)
I have been a follower of Merel for years. She was the first travel blogger I ever followed and the only one for a long time. Her pictures had me in awe, in fact one of the reasons we went to Bali for our honeymoon was because of her page. She beautifully captures the culture of wherever she is and is always there to help me with any questions I may have. She’s a gem!
Jess (@thewonderingdreamer)
This English born (yasss BRITISH PRIDE), Bermuda living beauty has been a great introduction to the travel community. Before finding her, Bermuda had never even crossed my mind, but with her beautiful imagery of the country it has quickly reached the top of my 2018 travel wish list.
Anais (@mynextwanderlust)
I am so happy to be able to call this French cutie my friend. I was able to hangout with her on my recent trip to LA, and if I didn’t love her before I sure do now. Her stories of her world adventures and the fact that she fell in love with so many places that she ended up staying for months even years at a time left me in complete awe. She has quickly become a main source of my inspiration not only for her gorgeous page, but her kind heart and eagerness to see the world.
Be sure to take a look at these beauties pages, they are sure not disappoint and will leave you with as much joy as they do me.
Loved your switch from fashion to travel and all these accounts are truly inspiring. Have a lovely day. xx
These accounts are all so beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
xx, Maryam
YAAAAS! I definitely love my AMEX card because of all the benefits as well! You two always go for so many fun trips you always make me feel FOMO