New Years Resolutions… No thanks

Hello Loves,

Let me start off this post by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It’s 20 bloody 19!! Geez Louise!! By the way who is Louise? I can’t believe how fast 2018 went by but I am over the moon to welcome this new year. I was so over 2018.

But with a new year comes an endless number of posts and friends flauting their resolutions at me. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved a resolution as much as the next one, and I know for a lot of people they work wonders, it’s a great way to start the new year off on the right foot, but for me it was a none starter. I would develop a list of unrealistic goals… like working out once a week (FUDGE THAT!)… and by the end of the year I was beating myself up for not achieving anything from said list. It was all just too much pressure.

That’s why this year I said poo poo to the dreaded resolution. There is NO WAY I will ever stop eating cake everyday. Let’s be real. I’m literally eating cake as I write this… thank you Starbucks lemon loaf.

This year however I have developed a word. A word that I cling to in my times of self doubt (which happens on the daily)… kind of like a mantra. Now this word can be anything, in fact I asked my Mum what her word of the year would be, and as the respectable 12 year old she is the word she chose is POOP. But for her that’s a fabulous word, because whenever she needs to think of it, it will make her smile.

For me my word is POSITIVE. Positive my mind, positive my life. I think last year I put a LOT of pressure on Sameer and myself, pressure to succeed. It ended up having the reverse effect. I wasn’t able to see that I was actually succeeding in so many other aspects of my life. But this year I say scratch that, it’s all about positivity. Because “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results” or that’s what Wade Boggs says.

I am so excited for this year. I feel that putting less pressure on myself, and not setting myself up for failure will allow me to see more clearly and enjoy the beautiful little things that come my way. 2019… WE GOT THIS!

Whats your word of the year?

xoxo Fil

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1 Comment

  1. January 6, 2019 / 10:06 pm

    Fantastic read dear. Channeling the power of positive thinking attracts positive things. That’s the law of attraction right there. Anyway, thanks for the good read, and Happy New Year!

    Jessica |

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