Hello Loves!
By now you may or may not know that we welcomed Skye into our lives, a bundle of screaming wrinkled bliss.
I am so excited to share this blog post with you, in fact never in my life have I had more requests. It just melts my heart how invested you are in our story and I guess that we have shared everything from the start, that why wouldn’t we share our birth story.
Well I’m guessing most of you reading this have come from my Instagram, but if you haven’t firstly, hey! It’s lovely to meet you and secondly here’s a little insight. At 41 weeks pregnant it was safe to say that I was going crazy, I had tried every induction method under the sun… from bouncing on a ball to literally burning my insides with the spiciest curries, but this little bean was stuck. She was warm and cozy and nothing was going to budge her out of my uterus.
At exactly 41 weeks we headed into the hospital for a none stress test and hopefully a stretch and sweep. Well here is when things get interesting. The day before we had gone for an ultrasound, I had an eccentric cord insertion which meant that every month little bubs was monitored with an ultrasound to check her growth, well when we went in for the none stress test we also received the results of the ultrasound. It turned out that little ones head was in the 5th percentile, meaning her head was a lot smaller than her body. I freaked out! So far all her ultrasounds had been text book, but this one showed that her head had… shrank! So our midwife gave us the option to be induced today! We spent our none stress test, which was passed by the way, waying up all options.
To go home and stress, or to jump in and be induced. We already had an induction date set for Feb 1st and being only 4 days away from that date it pushed us to just take the plunge and be induced. My waters were broken! Eek.
So here’s where the jokes on me, I thought that as soon as my waters were broken it would be all hands on deck. We even called my mum and she came running right away. Hah! I had already decided not to take oxytocin just quite yet as I wanted to try and naturally bring on my contractions. But nothing worked! We walked up and down every stair in the entire hospital, I lunged, I squatted, I danced, and I did it all over again… NOTHING WORKED. By the time I had given up hope it was 5pm and the hospital was now PACKED with women giving birth, that the doctor who would be administering the oxycotin was now hands deep (literally) in back to back c-sections. Just my luck!
Flash past all the swearing, crying, and the dozen trips to Tim Hortons, it was now 11pm and the oxytocin was running through my veins. BAM! Contractions came in like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball, I’m not gonna lie… they hurt! I didn’t really have a birth plan, I had hoped to give birth naturally, but also had it in my head that if I needed an epidural I would take it. Well I didn’t just take it, I begged for it! It was now 3am on Jan 29th 2020 and I was only 3cm dilated! I had suffered long enough, it had been 4 long hours and they were getting worse and worse.
I literally became a different person after my epidural. Before I wasn’t able to even speak, I was faint and beyond tired. After I was in love with everyone, in fact I even think I told the anesthesiologist that he was my best friend. I was happy to say the least. Although I was still able to ‘feel’ contractions they were like a pressure on my thighs and butt. It felt… funny. But after a few minutes of smiles and laughter, I went to sleep! Hahaha. I was so exhausted that I literally passed out, so did Sameer and my mum. It had been a looong day.
At around 5am I was woken by a nurse asking to check how dilated I was. “You ready to have a baby?” she asked. I literally laughed haha, well duh. “No seriously, you’re 10cm dilated!” FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG!
Now this is where things get interesting… again. With the epidural coursing through my veins and making me feel all kinds of groovy, I could not feel my vagina. Seriously! How the heck would I know where to push?! But with one leg in Sameer’s arm and the other on my mum’s and everyone screaming at me to push, I held my breath, broke my mum and Sameer’s arms and tried. I literally had no clue what I was even doing, if anything was happening, but apparently I was doing the right thing, I mean everyone kept saying well done and good girl. Props to me. After an hour and a few minutes and a couple of poos later… no shame in the game, her head popped out. “Oh my gosh! She’s beautiful!” my mum exclaimed, Sameer on the other hand was as white as a sheet, after thinking that the crown of her head was in fact the whole thing. Bless him. One more push and she was out!
Our wonderful midwife held up our wide eyed bushy tailed and normal sized head daughter and I didn’t even hesitate to grab her. She screamed, I cried, Sameer started to get a little bit more colour in his cheeks. I placed her on my chest, skin to skin, finally my steaming hot baby was in my arms, and she was just perfect. She was also incredibly strong! I shrieked as she lifted her head up, made eye to eye contact with me, then swung her head around to find my nipple. Geez, she could have at least bought me a drink first.
Baby suckling away like an absolute pro, mum sobbing while taking a million pictures, a midwife and doctor knee deep in my vag stitching me the heck up… yep I tore, poor me, and Sameer and I in complete and utter bliss! Sameer kissed me and kissed his daughter… I’ve never seen him so proud or so in love. He was dream Daddy as soon as that kid popped out. He whispered in my ear… “what do you want to call her?” I said, you choose… I was obviously still on that epidural to let him have free range of the name. But he did good, “Skye!” he said.
Special thank you to the Barrie Midwives for walking with us through our pregnancy, delivery and the first weeks of Skye’s life. You truly made this the most wonderful experience.
xoxo Fil
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Congratulations guys, I’m really happy for you. You have a beautiful baby girl and a wonderful family.
Lots of love from France
Elisa & Lucie
I loved your birth story! Congrats mama!
We’ve got married last year and thinking about having a baby but I’m too scared of the pregnancy and birth. But stories like this one do help tremendously ❤️
What a magical moment! Congrats to you both!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com