Hello Loves!
I recently uploaded a picture to the good ‘ol IG feed in which I chatted a little bit about how I have been changing my outlook on life for the better. I was overwhelmed with the response from you guys… you are total rockstars! That I thought I would go into a little bit more depth.
With every good story you have to go back a bit. My start is last year. Boy oh boy was 2018 a shitty year… thank FUCK it’s over, sorry there is no polite way to express my feelings about two thousand and bloody eighteen. Anyway, things were bad. I would wake up and wish my day away, finding myself under piles of blankets and skip the dishes containers, watching hours upon hours of true crime documentaries… hmmm not much has changed there.
I knew something was wrong and I had to do everything in my power to change my outlook. Even my dog Coal was sick of me. But to change is an easy thing to say, it’s not such an easy thing to do. In regards to Sameer and his story this was not the case, he literally woke up one day on the right side of the bed and hasn’t looked back… lucky bastard.
But with his new and improved outlook on life, I fed off of it. His happiness made me happier. However I still new that I needed to take a deep look inside of the parts I like to hide away. It’s scary there. Flashlight in hand and my childhood teddy bear, Zoe, under my arm (funny story my teddy Zoe was actually my Mums, she won it from some toilet paper company way back when), I braved my dark place.
There I found things I’ve suppressed for years, things I forgot ever existed. Even though I haven’t worked things out with all of my demons, they’re way too many of them, I am clearing a path so to speak.
One tool that really helped me, was I decided that every night as I lay in bed I would chat to myself. I thank the Universe for my daily blessings. I reflect on my day and find something that made it special, like I said this could be as simple as cuddling my dog or Sameer leaving me alone for an hour to watch Real Housewives (you know how I roll). This has helped me appreciate my days, realize how special and lucky I am. To remember the small moments of joy that make up the bigger picture of my life. Like I’ve said a million times, the small things count too.
I have shared this tool with pretty much anyone that will listen and the ones that have actually put it into practice have seen a difference in their lives. Heck I’ve seen a difference in them. They look more alive. We are more alive.
So if your lost or not, I hope you try this out for a while, because it really is a massive eye opener to this fabulous thing called life.
xoxo Fil
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